- Winter 2017: Semantics III: The meaning of conditional structures (MA seminar).
- Winter 2017: Einführung in die Linguistik (Introduction to Linguistics). With Doris Penka.
- Summer 2014: Semantik I (Introduction to Formal Semantics).
English Department, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.
- Summer 2016: Introduction to English Linguistics
- Summer 2016: Seminar in Pragmatics - Speech Acts in Discourse
4th NASSLLI, Idiana University, Bloomington, IN.
- Winter 2011: Logic & Language Lab
Office Hours
Winter Term 2017/18: Wednesdays, 14:00-15:30, Y-121.
Course materials and exam registration
- Readings and other materials for current courses at the University of Konstanz will be made available in ILIAS. Please “subscribe” to the course there to make sure you have access to all materials and receive all announcements pertaining to the course.
- “Subscribing” in ILIAS does not constitute official registration for the exam! Make sure you register properly for the exam before the deadline.
Email policy
- On business days, between 9:00 and 18:00, emails will be answered as quickly as possible.
- Emails arriving outside these times will be treated (in the worst case) as if they had arrived on the next business day at 9:00. This policy also applies to email submission of (late) homework assignments.